Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Đau tim đột ngột
Suddenly be struck with an unbearable pain in the heart, this is called Dunshizhu: Mantra One-Nipple-Shaped (gọt khúc đầu thành hình như núm vú) [most likely oriental Frankincense or Gum Olibanum] piece of Junzhulu Incense. Chew it and swallow the juice (mút và nuốt). There is no limit to how much or how little you may take. This will cause Diarrhea and Vomiting: you’ll be cured. Take care not to eat any of the Five Pungent Plants, not to drink wine and not to eat meat.
Burned by Fire
Say the Mantra over Fresh Excrement (phân tươi) of a Black Cow (twenty-one times). Smear (thoa) it on the sores (phỏng). You’ll be healed.
One’s Heart is bitten by a Hui worm (côn trùng cắn vô tim)
Mantra One Half (1/2 chén) Pint of the Urine of a White Horse. Swallow it, you’ll be cured. If the illness is severe, take a full pint (1 chén). The worms will come out, each biting the tail of the next, just like a rope (con sau nối đuôi con trước mà ra theo đường đại tiện).
If you break out with nail sores
Pound out the juice of Lingxiao leaves (vò nát). Mantra it twenty-one times. Smear it on the sore. Pull the nail out by the root (nhổ gốc móng ra). You’ll be cured immediately.
Your eyes are bitten by poisonous Flies (muỗi độc chích trúng mắt)
Strain off the juice of the fresh donkey dung .Mảntra it twenty-one times). Smear it on the eyes at night before you go to sleep and you’ll be cured.
Internal Pain (Đau bụng)
Mix twenty-One pieces of Yincheng Salt (muối hột) with a pint of well-flower water. Mantra it twenty-one times. Drink half a pint. You’ll be cured.
If you are afflicted by Red Eyes (Mắt bị bầm đỏ)
Freshy growths in the eyes (thịt lồi trong mắt) or a film which covers them (con ngươi có màng che)
Grind and strain the juice of Shami leaves. Recite the mantra over it twenty-one times. Soak a Green Copper. Coin in the juice overnight. Say the mantra over it seven more times (ngày kế). Put it in the eyes: you’ll be cured.
If you are afraid at night and ill at ease to the point of being mortally terrified.
Fashion a cord out of white threads (sợi chỉ trắng). Say the mantra over it twenty-one times (chú 1 biến thắt 1 gút). As you tie it into twenty-one knots. Drape (đeo) it around your neck and your fear will be dispelled. Not only will your fear be dispelled, but your offenses will be eradicated.
Your Household is beset with Accidents; Calamities, or difficulties.
Cut a Pomegranate branch into 1080 pieces. Smear both ends of each piece with butter and honey. Recite the mantra once over each piece then light it afire. Burn all 1080 pieces in this way. All calamities and difficulties will be ereadicated. This should be done before a Buddha-image. If you mantra Calamus (Bạch xương bồ) twenty-one times and tie it to your right arm: you’ll be victorious in battles and debates.
Take Shami leaves, branches or stalks, cut them into inch-long pieces. Smear both ends of each piece with Real Butter and white honey. Mantra each piece once as you burn them, torching all 1080 pieces this manner. Do this three times a day, 1080 times each time, for seven days. As the mantra Master, you shall be self-enlightened and gain penetrating wisdom. Trí tuệ thông triệt. Tự khai-ngộ.
Hàng phục quỷ ma.
If you wish to subdue extremely powerful ghost and spirits. Mantra a stick of Arishtaka [gỗ Hoan-tử] forty-nine times and burn it. You must still smear the butter and honey, and it’s also necessary to perform the ceremony before an image of the Great Compassionate Heart (Tượng Đại bi tâm).
If you place a generous ounce of Cow Yellow [Caculus Bovis] hoặc Ngưu Hòang, Tây Hòang, Tô Hòang, Sửu Bảo, Đởm Hòang, Ô kim Hòang, Đản Hòang, Quả Hoàng…) in a glass bottle. Place it before a Great Compassionate Image. Mantra it 108 times. Then daub (bôi) it on your body and dot it on your forehead (chấm trên trán). All gods, dragons, ghosts, spirits, humans and non-humans will be delighted.
If you are handcuffed (cùm) or locked in a canque (xiềxeng)
Chant the mantra over the Excrement of a white pigeon (phân tươi của chim bồ câu trắng) 108 times. Smudge it on your hands, then rub the padlocks. They’ll open of themselves.
A Husband and Wife are not in harmony and the relationships like Fire and Water.
Place the tail of a Mandarin Duck [Perching Duck] (long đuôi chim Uyên-Ương) before an image of the Great Compassionate Heart (Đại bi tâm). Say the Mantra over it 1080 times, then carry it on the body. To the end of your life, there will be mutual delight, love, and respect.
If insects are devouring your fields or orchards (ruộng lúa bị sâu bọ ăn)

Say the Mantra over pure ashes, pure sand, or pure water (twenty-one times). Sprinkle it over the Four Boundaries of the fields and the bugs will retreat. Sprinkle mantra-water on the fruit trees and the pests will leave, they’ll not dare eat the fruit.

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