Monday, January 22, 2018


It is extremely uncomfortable, sometimes painful, when Aunt Flo comes to visit during that time of the month. Since most of you can’t wait to get back to your normal life, you usually don’t analyze your period too much. Well, maybe you should. Your period can give you a lot of insight into your health whether you are pregnant or not. It tells you quite a bit about your hormonal health. Since your hormones regulate your physiological functions, it is beneficial to have proper knowledge about them. Each woman is different, so what is normal for you may not be normal for someone else. You should only be concerned about the changes in your menstrual flow and the color of your menstrual blood. Here are some of the things your menstrual blood tells you about your health.

1. Pinkish Blood

Pinkish Blood
Pinkish menstrual blood indicates that your estrogen levels are low. If you are an athlete, or if you are into running, you should tone down the intensity of your exercise. Too much exercise adversely affects your period, and in a worst-case scenario, you may not get your period at all. Low estrogen levels dramatically increase your risk of osteoporosis too. Other causes of pinkish period blood include improper nutrition, polycystic ovary syndrome, and perimenopause. You should immediately visit a doctor if the color of your period blood is lighter than it should be and should get it treated before any complication occurs.

2. White-ish, Diluted Flow

White-ish, Diluted Flow
Your flow may be watery and white-ish if you’re suffering from anemia. Your flow usually gets heavier once it starts, but when you have anemia, it will get lighter. You should consult a doctor if you notice the same pattern across 2 to 3 menstrual cycles. On the other hand, you may be anemic if your menstrual flow is too heavy. You should also consult a doctor if you constantly feel weak and have to change your tampon and pad every hour.

3. Thick Blood With Large Clots

Thick Blood With Large Clots

Small clots in your menstrual blood are normal but large clots are not. If you notice clots larger than the size of a quarter, your hormones may be out of balance. Your progesterone levels may be low and your estrogen levels may be high. You should alter your diet and reduce the consumption of soy, sugar, and dairy. If you experience pain along with the clots, uterine fibroids can be a possibility. You should not take matters into your own hands. Instead, get it diagnosed by a doctor.

4. Chunks Of Gray Tissue

Chunks Of Gray Tissue
If you are pregnant, you need to be on high alert if you notice gray chunks of gray tissue along with red period blood. There is a possibility that you are having a miscarriage. If you are not pregnant and you notice such gray chunks in your flow, then you may have an STD or an STI. STDs and STIs are often accompanied by a strong, foul stench. Getting it checked by your doctor is the best option.

5. Dark Brown Flow

Dark Brown Flow
There’s usually nothing to worry about if you have a dark brown flow. This can happen when some bits of uterine lining sheds later than when it is supposed to. The lining gets completely oxidized due to which it darkens in color. Uterine linings are shed at different times by different women, so there is no need for concern if you notice dark blood usually at the beginning or the end if your period.

6. Bright, Red Flow

Bright, Red Flow
If your periods are regular and your flow is bright and red in color, then you can sit back and relax. Your period is normal and healthy. You should not be concerned unless the color and consistency of your flow changes.
Sometimes, stress can also affect your menstrual health. Practicing yoga and going for walks and jogs help you relax and improve your menstrual health.

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