Thursday, March 16, 2017


Myofascial release (or MFR) is an alternative medicine therapy that claims to treat skeletal muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles.


myo-, my-

prefix meaning "muscle": myocardia, myocele, myolipoma.

"arthritis in muscles"
Arthritis is a well-known condition that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. However, another type of arthritis, called muscular arthritis, also causes pain in inflammation, but this time in the muscle of the body.Aug 16, 2013*
"fascia in the muscles"
Fascia is a fibrous connective tissue that is present throughout the entire body, not just the muscles. There are three main types of fascia: SuperficialFascia, which is mostly associated with the skin; Deep Fascia, which is mostly associated with themuscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels; and.
fascia in the muscles

"Myo Muscles"

Massage Vs Myotherapy?

A lot of people are unsure as to what is the difference between massage and Myotherapy, below is a summary detailing the difference.
What is Massage?
As well as pain relief, massage therapy provides so many benefits to help improve your health and wellbeing.
The following list details the many benefits of massage:
  • Massage helps promote blood flow and lymph flow which brings healthy nutrients and oxygen to the injured site and assists in the removal of wastes and toxins in the blood
  • helps improve elasticity in muscles and soft tissues
  • can help relax muscles and improve sleep
  • can help benefit sports performers by increasing flexibility in muscles and soft tissue as well as reducing recovery time of injuries
  • can also help to prevent injury as a tight muscle is more likely to become torn
  • can help to relieve symptoms of PMS or headaches
  • can help increase range of motion in soft tissue structures for those living with osteoarthritis
  • can help those suffering pain during pregnancy
  • can also help relieve people of postural tension.
What is Myotherapy?
Clinical Myotherapists primarily use Massage as their main tool however have also got the skills and knowledge to apply wide variety of other techniques when necessary to further assist you back to optimal health.
Some of the other techniques used by Myotherapists along side massage are:
Dry Needling or trigger point therapy– when pressure or a needle is applied to a ‘knot’ in the muscle. This aids in the release of these trigger points reducing pain and increasing ROM. Even though the same needles are used dry needling is used for different purposes to acupuncture.
Spinal mobilization- another technique that works well with massage. Spinal mobilization uses a ballistic type action on joints of the spine, which increases the movement between each joint. Often the joints in the neck become stiff and can contribute to nerve impingements and muscle guarding which causes tension headaches/ migraines.
Myofascial Release: another very effective technique when applied with massage. Myofascial release aims to release the fascia that surrounds all muscles.

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