Sunday, January 15, 2017


Ray Nielson
Late Night
Late night sleep
walk night talk

memories of
and you
in my yesterday
just perhaps
a memory that wasn't
like an allegory or a
fable or
a composite
of a matrix of love
that has kept
running down
blind alleys
blinded by flashes
of memories
of things
that never happened
and waking
before the sun
that hurts my eyes
like thoughts of you
hurts my heart
with mind-numbed
by seeing your face
 in the night of
my late night
sleep walk
Ray Nielson 1/15/2017

Vernon Duane Pilcher You write beautifully and need to do more. thanks for sharing your thoughts. Helen and Duane
Ray Nielson Hellen, I write a lot, I have published a small chapbook, I have written about my three trips to Vietnam and I this year am going to complete my military history for my Kids, grandkids and beyond. I maintain four pages here on Facebook, My Poetry is a page named "WhiteFeather Poet", I have a mystical page named "In the silence" a Political page " The Old Guard" and I like to write with a somewhat dry sense of humor so I have been told by too many people so it was necessary to adopt a page titled simply "Uncle Ray" I have come a long way from the shy kid you went to school with . but My life has been great, sometimes exciting, sometimes boring but very rewarding
I also have a project to finish concerning the History of Nielsons Inc and a book that I have been intending to get back to that about 2/3s done and has been hanging around for 10 years. I have two Grandsons age 6 nd 3 that can distract me in a heart beat I hope all is well with you all. I would love to hear more about you and your family. I remember your brother and my Father thought the world of your father. Where did all the time go?

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