Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ashley Cardona:(

12-year-old Ashley Cardona of Denver committed suicide last week -- a family friend blames bullying. Please let this be the last child who takes their own life. Share her story to remind kids that there is help.
Like · Comment · Share · April 30, 2014 · Edited
  • Thuy Tran
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  • Tom Crouch Times are different and this is a REAL issue. We went through our 9 year old daughter having suicidal thoughts last year for the same reason. This is simply sad and the issue is not parents teaching kids how to deal with bullies but rather teaching the parents of the bullies how to treat another human. Parenting skills are seriously lacking in today's society along with people's moral compass. My heart goes out to the family. Such a sad and senseless thing to happen to anyone.
    • Penny Stiverson I agree this needs to start at home with the bullies. When our children see us laughing and making fun of others it sends the message that it is ok. We do it when we talk bad about gays, Hispanics, blacks, whites, others religion. We all need to sto...See More
    • Mona Dunning Peterson So sad, she is gorgeous! They should have parent meetings at schools to talk about warning signs, and how to deal with them!!
    • Lisa Tatro We've gone through and are still going through the same thing with our 11 year old daughter. A boy at her school tried to sexually assault her and the school has done nothing. The principal tried to put the blame on her, saying she could have come fo...See More
    • Tom Crouch Andrea I think the key is having open communications with our kids. Our daughter has always talked to us, but in this instance she didn't and it piled up on her and had her sad. The issue is she is very good at putting on a happy face (partially beca...See More
    • Rosie N Octavio Gonzalez This is so sad I agree that children bully other children but adults do it also my daughter came home one day telling me this kid spit in her face just because and she told the teacher and teacher went about telling her she was baby for taletelling and...See More
    • Thuy Tran
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  • Holly Vejrostek Parents need to start teaching their kids how to deal with bullying. We're obviously not going to stop it, it's been going on FOREVER. Kids are going to be mean. Teach your kids to stand up and fight back!!
  • Tom Crouch Some of the comments here....this is what's wrong with our country! No compassion and a lack of understanding. Our society is so judgmental it makes me sick. It is not the parents fault she committed suicide. As I said the issue is that bullying even exists. Come on people!
    • Mark J Pastika Um. I was bullied by my older brother's friends.
      I never once thought of killing myself.
      When did "Sticks'n'stones" become irrelevant?????
    • Shannon Garcia Mark, there are more severe cases of bullying. Some cases involve horrible acts, many kids, and last years. These kids don't have the emotional capabilities to deal with the intense cruelty and self hatred that comes from bullying. Try and be sympathetic. Not all cases are the same and not every person reacts to trauma in the same way.
    • Thuy Tran
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  • Ashley Breanne This girl was not selfish, she was hurt. Children and teens tend to make the wrong decisions because there brains are not fully developed from a scientific point of view. I'm sure she thought about her parents but she was only 12, how could she possibl...See More
  • Kenta Houston Make bullying a crime. Punish both the parents and the kid bully.
  • Janie Glassett Don't blame the victim....Some pain is intolerable. RIP Dear girl.
  • Jessica Linder To see how embedded bullying is in our society, look at the comments. To make a comment on her beauty or ask why someone would bully someone so beautiful is to essentially say that it'd be more understandable if she were "ugly." The condolences are heartfelt but think about your words.
  • Anntionette Marques My son was being bullied. This kid started verbally bullying him. This kid would talk about me to my son and try to work up a reaction out of my son. My son would come home crying. He said the teacher saw it and so did the security guy. I took it as "T...See More
  • Maria Acuña Corbae I agree with Holly Vejrostek. Teaching our kids how to deal with it and defend themselves might help to stop this from happening. My heart goes out to her family:(
  • Noe DeLeon Teachers and staff are caring less more and more these days. When I was in high school, all the jocks would bully people and the teachers and school would protect them. Sad to see that still goes on today.
  • Leslie Garcia There will be bully's everywhere it's not about bully prevention it's about raising strong kids that don't let others put them down. Parents need to raise them with self worth there will always be jerk in this world we just need to be able to brush ourselves off and keep going...
  • Bowdie Hernandez My thoughts an prayers to All her family and friends during this difficult time. I too lost my 2 sons to suicide. I know this is will be very difficult time for all who knew her. Young teens need to know that Suicide is a permanent solution to a tempor...See More
  • Eugene Ortiz And what is done to the bullies? Nothing nothing ever happens to them they go on living their perfect little lives and nothing is done. Hold the school and the parents of these kids accountable make the bullies do community service and work at homeless shelters send their parents to jail or prison for not showing their kids respect. They have obviously failed at their job of raising their kids.
  • Vicky Peters I guess I don't understand. I know social media is much more prevalent but maybe instead of teaching our kids how to handle bullies, we should teach out kids to respect life. Throughout the years, bullying has occurred, but suicide seems to be the answ...See More
  • Esme E Frias I have the same proble, but not only was her clasemate bullying my girl, the mother of this clasemate was bullying mi little one on Instagram! My girl is a very good student, she doesn't like to fight with any body! Shame of this mother that's supporting her child to hurt a gentle girl! You don't need to go a college to learn respect!!
  • Polly Bennett No, Намуун Жаргалсайхан, that is a suicidal child's tragic logic. None of us have any way of knowing what problems she dealt with. Compassion should be the only reaction to such a sad choice.
  • Tasha Garcia Start doing what that father from California did. If school officials do nothing to protect your kids then you protect them. Put a restraining order on the idiot bullies.... ill be darned if my child gets bullied, I will of course teach her how to h...See More
  • Kim McKinney You will never be able to stop bullying just like you will never see the end of racism. It is very sad that people treat others so badly for their own benefit. My stepson was a bully a couple of years ago. I wasn't one of those parents who ignored it. ...See More
  • Kristol Ortega I reported it to the school THEY DID NOTHING TO STOP IT! So I called the superintendent and put a stop to it! Where are these parents because if my kids were bullies I'd put a stop to it!!
  • Amanda Marie Candelaria Whoever is talking bad about her committing suicide is screwed up. Bullying is a problem especially in the younger aged kids. They don't know there is more to life than school and rumors. Let's remember a family is in pain and feeling lost without this little girl. My thoughts and prayers are with them during this rough time.
  • Melody Armstead It seems to be a waste of time to blame the parents of either child.... some of you want to blame the victims parents because obviously they didn't teach her how to love herself enough and the other half want to arrest the parents of the bullies and th...See More
  • Jacque Alex Gutierrez I have a young daughter and I teach her to love everyone no matter because God made each and every one of us the way he wanted us to be but I teach her to stand up for others who do get picked on to show them extra love and to remind them that there be...See More
  • Suzanne Haviland Cowards down right disgraceful cowards!!! I can't believe that these Teachers, Principals, Superintendents still in this day in age continue to not take action!! Prayers to this child's family & may this child now b @peace such a shame I am sorry that the choice she made was death!!!
  • Cheryl Blakeman-Todd this kind of news just breaks my heart... we need to get our kids knowing GOD and loving on them so prayerfully they won't take this turn. Lifting the family in prayer...
  • Linda Lou Allour hamyyh, when a person is to the point of committing suicide, they no longer have rational thoughts. When a person is depressed, there is an actual chemical change in the brain. she did not set out, nor realize she was hurting her family. It's so sad that no one caught her mood or other symptoms.
  • Rick Gallardo All you, bullies, please, STOP IT, the Consequences in Life,WILL COME BACK TO YOU,
  • Rebecca Cook This breaks my heart . I suffered from depression and terrible self image issues as a teen and know how hard it can be when you add bullies to the problem. Today I believe bullying is worse since it carries on after school hours. With social sites ...See More
  • Esme E Frias We need to do something to stop this crime!! We need help!! How many more kids have to die? act now and stopped it!!!!!!
  • Polly Parker It is abhorrent to me that ONE kid commits suicide bacause of bullying. People skills, parenting skills, communications skills, anger management skills, self love skills all need to be emphasized and taught. We are here to take care of each other..not hate each other because of our differences... mmmmmm where do kids get THOSE ideas???? they don't make them up..they are learned...think about it!
  • Jessica Wayda the thing is, that kids report itto principals at school and to teachers and they tell them to get over it or don't do anything about it. They turn around and blame the kid getting bullied. When will the schools step up and help our kids out. Rip sweet girl i'm sorry you sufferred through this
  • Bobbi Kennedy Judy Piette, I beg to differ. Take some time amd watch the movie, "Bully". Every victim in that movie came from a loving home, but what went on during the other 8 hours of the day was simply more than a child's delicate soul could handle. And the lac...See More
  • Yakob Cole her friends blame bullies why didn't they stopped it
  • Pyronica Stanley Another child lost to bullying. I remember getting bullied all through Elementary School and Middle School. My dad talked with the principal and teachers many times, and several times he recommended the school install security cameras because of it. ...See More
  • Bobby Schumaker This is senseless, the schools say to make them aware when bullying is happening.but when you do they do nothing. My granddaughter had been bullied along with other students by a boy and a girl, for the last two years. And the school does nothing at all about it .
  • Carissa Townley Very very sad story. Society needs to learn to put electronics down and touch base with kids. Actually have FAMILY meals.
  • Raylyne Autobee Awe that poor sweet angel. My heart goes out yo her family
  • Joseph Lepp Maybe if the parents knew this was happening they should have pressured the school to get assistance to make it stop My kids went thru the same thing and I went to the school and demanded something be done or I would take matters into my hands The school stepped up and 4 kids were expelled for numerous reports of bullying
  • Thai Morton Very sad , god bless her family
  • Katie Rankin OMG that is so sad my heart goes out to her family
  • Katie Whitson Childers Today's kids communicate virtually and are socially uneducated in social cues and mannerisms that comes from face to face communication. This starts at home with parents who give their kids electronics to keep them busy versus interact with their child. Why have kids if you don't plan to devote time and attention to nurturing them? So many people would give anything to have kids.
  • Vickie Gonzales She's so beautiful this is terrible Lord Jesus comfort her family and rip mija
  • Ruth Robertson My heart is so very broken for the Cardona Family. My ten year old son is going through this right now. AA girl who is much taller than most of the children in their class has chose him to be her "stepping stool". She has kicked him in the back pushed...See More
  • Annette Nana Estrada I'd like to hear from the bully's themselves or the parents. ..I too have a child who was bullied. ..I simply switched her school but like a lot of other posts I think the kids n parents need to be held accountable!
  • Corrina Crazie Espinosa My 13-yr-old cousin hung herself when I was 12, every time I see an article like this, I relive that pain. It never goes away. Please be kind to each other.
  • Gail Mason How about teaching the bullies to STOP? How about arresting them and their parents??? Then maybe they will get the message. My heart bleeds for this beautiful girl's family.
  • Cindy Kittinger why don't parents make their kids feel wanted? God loves her and will welcome her....

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