Friday, May 27, 2016

THÔNG MẠCH MÁU - Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Lemon, Ginger & Garlic Drink

Heart Blockage Cure / Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Lemon, Ginger & Garlic Drink - Natural Home Remedy for Heart Disease

Hubby found this really helpful and interesting home remedy for heart blockage cure in facebook. He told that to me and i was totally interested in trying that. First i did lots of research and found out that it really works for people who is having heart blockage and heart disease. 

Who Can Use,
1)People diagnosed with Heart blockage, Heart Disease
2)People who cannot afford By - Pass Surgery or can't go for By - Pass Surgery.
3)Prevention of Repeated Heart Attacks
4)Suffering from Constipation, Ulcers
5)People who are looking for Weight loss

Infact i was not at all scared to give it a try because all it has is really good and healthy ingredients. 


Garlic Health Benefits: 

Reduce Blood Pressure,Anti Block,Reduces Cholesterols, Anti Bacterial Properties,Reduces Sugar Level, Treats Skin Infection, Reduce Weight, Treats Respiratory problems and many many more..

Ginger Health Benefits:

Preventing and curing heart disease, increase blood flow, reduces weight, increase energy, Good for cold, cough and many many more..

Lemon Health Benefits:

Regulates Heart Beat, Helps in Proper Functioning of Heart, Reduces Weight and many many more..

Apple Cider Health Benefits:
Remove Toxins from body, contains minerals, potassium,vitamins and enzymes.

Honey Health Benefits:

Reduces Cholestrols, Fights Bacteria, Energize Body, Anti Oxidants, Reduce Risk of Cancer & Heart Disease.

This drink is so easy to put together. You have to extract the juice from the ingredients. Mix all up, heat it up, cool it down and add honey. Thats it.

How to Consume:

Drink 1 tblspn of this tonic, Empty Stomach in Morning. You can also have 1 tblspn in afternoon and night.

How long can this be stored:

This can be stored in fridge for 1 to 2 months. Use clean dry spoons when handling.

Preparation Time : 30 mins
Cooking Time : 30 mins
Makes : 5 cups of Drink


Ginger Juice - 1 cup
Garlic Puree - 1 cup
Lemon Juice - 1 cup
Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 cup
Organic Honey - 3 cup



Take ginger juice, garlic juice, lemon juice, vinegar in a sauce pan and cook on medium heat for 30 mins. Keep mixing.

Take it off heat, cool it completely.

Add in 3 cups of honey and mix well.

Pour this in a clean bottle and store in fridge. 

Take all your ingredients

Start by preparing your ingredients..Peel ginger

Cut your lemons in half

Peel garlic
Now squeeze you lemon..I used my squeezer

Squeeze it in a bowl...I squeezed few lemons using
 my hands as well

So some seeds got into them, Now you have to strain it

Measure 1 cup of lemon juice

pass it through a sieve in a jug

this is 1 cup of lemon juice..Set aside

Now take your ginger and chop them 

Take it in a blender

make it into a fine puree, add little water if needed..

put this in the sieve

press it so all juice is extracted

ginger juice

Measure 1 cup

Pour it into the lemon juice.
Now take the garlic

puree them

Measure 1 cup of garlic puree

Pour it into the jug and mix well

Now strain this whole thing

this is what you will be left with

Pour this in a sauce pan

Measure 1 cup apple cider vinegar and add it into the pan

Heat this whole thing up and cook for 25 to 30 mins
 on a low heat

Remove this and let it cool down

Now it is cold

Measure 3 cups of organic honey

pour it in

mix well

Pour it into a clean bottle and store in fridge
hang Nong · 
Bạn biết tiếng anh thì bạn vào trang websites của bạn Hai Tran ở dưới đúng liều lượng hơn , nước cốt tỏi , nước cốt gừng , nước chanh , dấm táo mỗi thứ 1 chém , 3 chém mật ong
ThíchPhản hồi3914 tháng 2 2016 1:27
Đặng Hoàng Hà
Có lẽ cho 1 lần dùng
ThíchPhản hồi816 tháng 2 2016 2:58
Dh Giavohanh · 
Tôi đã thực hiện theo cách : mỗi thứ bằng nhau theo cùng 1 vật dụng dùng như chén, tô, hay 1 chai 1 xị. Chẳng hạn. Riêng mật ong có lượng gấp 3 hay 4 lần các loại khác.

Mỗi sáng trước khi ăn 30 phút, lấy 1 muỗng cafe nếu bệnh nhe. Và dùng 1 muỗng canh với bệnh nặng. Pha với 1 ly lớn nước sôi. Uống nóng. Vừa thổi vừa uống là đúng.

Tôi đã dùng như thế trong 1 tháng và giải quyết các bẹnh về máu rất tuyệt vời luôn.

Sau 1 tháng đi xét nghiệm máu và đo các loại tại 3 viện lớn ở sài gòn. Chẳng có bệnh gì cả !

Các bạn nên tự làm mà uống rất tuyệt. Thận trọng khi mua phải gừng của Trung Quốc thì nấu lên nước sẽ bị xanh mà ko vàng. (Trong trươgng hợp ấy thì nấu lâu hơn , mở nắp nồi cho đến khi hỗn hợp ra nàu vàng là đạt).

Vì thuốc rất mạnh nên hãy khởi đầu với 1 muỗng cafe rồi hãy xem lại huyết áp trước khi quyết định tăng liều lên. Vì uống hơn mức theo mỗi cơ địa thì huyết áp sẽ tuột xuống dưới 7.0 rất nguy hiểm đấy !

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